Hermes Time Slot Delivery Rating: 9,1/10 5204 reviews
Hermes time slot delivery slots

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TitleGod of Swiftness
RelationsZeus (Father)

Poseidon (Uncle)

Hades (Uncle)

Demeter (Foster aunt)

Athena (Half-Sister)

Artemis (Half-Sister)

Ares (Half-Brother)

Dionysus (Half-Brother)

Zagreus (Cousin)

Charon (Fellow Psychopomp)

Thanatos (Fellow Psychopomp)

AffiliationMount Olympus
VoiceAndrew Marks
Hey boss, found you, good. Hermes, at your service. Pleasure! You are the talk of Olympus! Normally I wouldn't get mixed up, but for you, I will be making an exception. Now, come on, we both got places to be!
~ Hermes

Hermes is the Olympian God of commerce, trickery, and travel, as well as the messenger of the gods and conductor of souls into the afterlife (called a psychopomp). He offers boons that enhance Zagreus's speed in various ways. His boons can also improve Zagreus's dash and cast recovery.

  • 1Affinity

Affinity[edit edit source]

If given Nectar, Hermes will give you the Lambent Plume.

Hermes' affinity gauge is maxed out at 8 hearts.

Favor[edit edit source]

Hermes time slot delivery near me

Hermes' favor requires speaking with him while having the Lambent Plume equipped and max leveled.

Codex entry[edit edit source]

Hermes time slot delivery online
'...One of the free-spirited sons of Zeus, he is patron to travelers, traders, even tricksters. Youthful in spirit and appearance, he could be mistaken for a common lad, if not for his extraordinary swiftness. None whom I know approach his agility or athleticism. He puts this peerless skill to a specific use, serving as the messenger of Olympus. Vast distances are nothing to him. Yet, there is something more to Hermes: He is the only god upon Olympus who dutifully serves the Underworld, in addition to his Olympian affairs. The Underworld is an orderly place, but the souls of the dead must first be brought to its brink. He has much to do with this. He seems to have ingratiated himself to the boatman, Charon -- notoriously unapproachable even by the Underworld's own. Thus, it is my belief that Hermes, besides his many talents, is the god of more than he appears.'

Quotes[edit edit source]

For quotes and dialogue regarding Hermes, please refer to Hermes/Quotes.

Hermes Time Slot Delivery Near Me

Boons[edit edit source]

Boons from Hermes function slightly differently to other Olympians. None of his boons occupy Attack, Special, Cast, Dash, or Call slots, as they are designed to be mixed with and support other gods' boons. In addition, none of Hermes' boons can be enhanced with a Pom of Power.

His boons are in a different item pool than other Olympian boons for the purposes of Fated Authority and Charon's shop. His boon can take priority in appearance even if one equips other gods' keepsake. Additionally, his boons will never spawn as the first chamber's reward or in mini-boss encounters. You can only obtain up to three of his boons in one run - with the third only available in Charon's shop in the Temple of Styx or in one of the Temple wings - and he never appears in a Trial of the Gods.


Swift Strike
Your Attack is +X% faster.
  • Attack Speed: +10%
  • Attack Speed: +20%
  • Attack Speed: +30%
  • Attack Speed: +40%
Tier 1
  • Works in decreasing weapon attack charge time by X%

Swift Flourish
Your Special is +X% faster.
  • Special Speed: +10%
  • Special Speed: +20%
  • Special Speed: +30%
  • Special Speed: +40%
Tier 1
  • Works in decreasing weapon special charge time by X%

Flurry Cast
Your Cast is +X% faster and fully automatic.
  • Cast Speed: +20%
  • Cast Speed: +40%
  • Cast Speed: +60%
  • Cast Speed: +80%
Tier 1
  • Cannot be combined with Aspect of Beowulf
  • Cannot be combined with Aspect of Hera
  • Requires the Infernal Soul Mirror Ability

Quick Favor
Your Call charges up automatically.
  • Auto Gauge Gain: +1% (every 2 sec.)
  • Auto Gauge Gain: +1% (every 1.5 sec.)
  • Auto Gauge Gain: +1% (every 1 sec.)
  • Auto Gauge Gain: +1% (every 0.5 sec.)
Tier 1Aphrodite's Aid, Ares' Aid, Artemis' Aid, Athena's Aid, Demeter's Aid, Dionysus' Aid, Poseidon's Aid, or Zeus' Aid

Hyper Sprint
For X seconds after you Dash, become Sturdy and run +100% faster.
  • Duration: 0.5 sec.
  • Duration: 0.6 sec.
  • Duration: 0.7 sec.
  • Duration: 0.9 sec.
Tier 1None

Greater Haste
You move X% faster.
  • Movement Speed: +20%
  • Movement Speed: +30%
  • Movement Speed: +40%
  • Movement Speed: +49%
Tier 1None

Quick Recovery
After you take damage, quickly Dash to recover up to X% lost.
  • 30% lost
  • 40% lost
  • 50% lost
  • 60% lost
Tier 1None

Greater Evasion
You have +X% chance to Dodge.
  • Dodge Chance: +10%
  • Dodge Chance: +15%
  • Dodge Chance: +20%
  • Dodge Chance: +25%
Tier 1None

Greatest Reflex
You can Dash+X more time(s) in a row.
  • Extra Dashes: +1
  • Extra Dashes: +2
  • Extra Dashes: +3
  • Extra Dashes: +4
Tier 1None

Second Wind
After using Call, gain Dodge chance and move speed for 6 Sec.
  • Bonus Dodge Chance & Move Speed: +30%
  • Bonus Dodge Chance & Move Speed: +37.5%
  • Bonus Dodge Chance & Move Speed: +45%
  • Bonus Dodge Chance & Move Speed: +52.5%
Tier 1Aphrodite's Aid, Ares' Aid, Artemis' Aid, Athena's Aid, Demeter's Aid, Dionysus' Aid, Poseidon's Aid, or Zeus' Aid

Quick Reload
Foes drop stuck in them faster.
Common:Drop Time: 5 Sec
Rare:Drop Time: 3.75 Sec
Epic:Drop Time: 2.5 Sec
Heroic:Drop Time: 1.25 Sec
Tier 1
  • Cannot be combined with Aspect of Beowulf
  • Cannot be combined with Crystal Beam
  • Cannot be combined with Curse of Drowning
  • Cannot be combined with Slicing Shot
  • Cannot be combined with Trippy shot
  • Requires the Infernal Soul Mirror Ability

Side Hustle
Each time you enter a Chamber, gain a bit wealth.
  • Bonus Wealth per Chamber: +10
  • Bonus Wealth per Chamber: +13
  • Bonus Wealth per Chamber: +16
  • Bonus Wealth per Chamber: +19
Tier 1
  • Not affected by boons that modify wealth gain

Rush Delivery
You deal bonus damage based on any bonus move speed.
  • Bonus Damage from Bonus Speed: 50%
  • Bonus Damage from Bonus Speed: 75%
  • Bonus Damage from Bonus Speed: 100%
  • Bonus Damage from Bonus Speed: 125%
Tier 1Greater Haste, Hyper Sprint, or Lambent Plume (Keepsake Ability)

Auto Reload
You regenerate faster.
  • Regeneration Time: 2.75 seconds
  • Regeneration Time: -x seconds
  • Regeneration Time: -x seconds
  • Regeneration Time: -x seconds
Tier 1
  • Requires the Stygian Soul Mirror Ability

Greater Recall
Your automatically return to you.LegendaryTier 3
  • Requires the Infernal Soul Mirror Ability
Flurry Cast, Quick Reload, or Lambent Plume (Keepsake Ability)

Bad News
Your cast deals more damage to foes without on them.
  • First shot damage: +50%
LegendaryTier 3.
  • Requires the Stygian Soul Mirror Ability
Auto Reload or Lambent Plume (Keepsake Ability)

Gallery[edit edit source]

  • Hermes Reward

  • Hermes Symbol

  • Hermes Bond Forged Icon

Additional notes[edit edit source]

Hermes seems to be the only Olympian God that Zagreus actively interacts with that knows that Zagreus is continually 'failing' to get out of the Underworld. How he attained this information is unknown, but could be attributed to his speed and access to Charon on a normal basis. He also states that he is fine with keeping the information secret, possibly due to his 'God of Trickery' nature.

Hermes Time Slot Delivery Online

Spoiler warning!

Hermes Time Slot Delivery Slots

This article contains detailed information about Hades that may spoil your enjoyment of discovering the game's secrets for yourself.
Read at your own risk!

A conversation with Skelly will reveal that both he and Hermes are aiding Zagreus' escape attempts at Charon's behest.

Hermes is also privy to the information that Persephone returns to the House of Hades. He asks Zagreus for permission to spread this information as well, keeping the ruse a secret to the remaining Olympians.

Hermes Time Slot Delivery Service

For additional information on Hermes that does not pertain to Hades, see Wikipedia's article: Hermes

Chthonic Gods
Alecto • Charon • Chaos • Hades • Hypnos • Megaera • Nyx • Thanatos • Tisiphone • Zagreus
Olympian Gods
Aphrodite • Ares • Artemis • Athena • Demeter • Dionysus • Hermes • Poseidon • Zeus
Others of Note
Achilles • Asterius • Cerberus • Dusa • Eurydice • Orpheus • Patroclus • Persephone • Sisyphus • Skelly • Theseus
Perilous Foes
Bloodless • Bone Hydra • Bother • Brightsword • Brimstone • Burn-Flinger • Crawler • Doomstone • Dracon • Flame Wheel • Gigantic Vermin • Gorgon • Greatshield • Inferno-Bomber • King Vermin • Longspear • Megagorgon • Nemean Chariot • Numbskull • Satyr Cultist • Skull-Crusher • Skullomat • Slam-Dancer • Snakestone • Soul Catcher • Splitter • Spreader • Strongbow • Voidstone • Wave-Maker • Wretched Lout • Wretched Pest • Wretched Sneak • Wretched Thug • Wretched Witch • Wringer
Not in the Codex
Bouldy • Head Chef • House Contractor • Resource Director • Wretched Broker
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