Jboss Global Module Slot Rating: 6,8/10 1851 reviews
  1. Jboss Global Module Slots
  1. May 18, 2017 but the module name remains with war filename (my-project-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.war).Actually the main reason I want to change the module name is because I use the jboss-marshalling to serialize some java objects and the ModularClassResolver includes these modules informations (name and slot), making the serializated data not compatible when we change the project version and the.war file has another.
  2. Hi, Using JBoss EAP 6.2.0. I have made a global module and using the standalone.xml While I entered the module in standalone.xml as.
  3. I am using running a Wildfly project in Intellj (lastest version) and for some reason the server logs are not recorded on the console. I am using the Wildfly's standalone.xml just as it is mentione.
  4. Global Modules Global modules is a set of JBoss Modules that will be added as dependencies to the JBoss Module of every Java EE deployment. Such dependencies allows Java EE deployments to see the classes exported by the global modules. Each global module is defined through the module resource, an example of its XML configuration.

I have a maven project and the name of generated .war file is 'my-project-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.war'.

From the documentation on Modules: A global module is a module that JBoss EAP provides as a dependency to every application. Any module can be made global by adding it to JBoss EAP’s list of global modules. It does not require changes to the module. You can set the list of global modules via this CLI.

And I try to get the name and slot of the war module with this code:

The value of variable name is 'deployment.my-project-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.war' and slot is 'main'.

How can I change the module name?

I have this jboss-deployment-structure.xml (located in WEB-INF folder, I also tried in META-INF folder) file:

but the module name remains with war filename (my-project-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.war).

Jboss Global Module Slot

Actually the main reason I want to change the module name is because I use the jboss-marshalling to serialize some java objects and the ModularClassResolver includes these modules informations (name and slot), making the serializated data not compatible when we change the project version and the .war file has another filename.

Jboss global module sloth

Is there other way to change the module name of my project?

Jboss Global Module Slots
